Got questions? We can help with those.
What insurance do you take?
We are in-network with several insurance plans. Even if we are not in-network with your insurance, we can work with your plan to provide you the dental care you need. In many cases, our “out-of-network” patients end up with the same benefits as our “in-network” patients.
I don’t have insurance, what are your fees?
Don't let lack of insurance prevent you from receiving dental care. For our patients without insurance, we offer an in-house dental savings plan called the Smile Club. It offers members a discount on their annual cleanings and exams. Additionally, members save 10% on all dental work, including fillings, crowns, and implants.
What if I have an emergency when your office is closed?
For patients of record, you may contact Dr. Zeis directly on her cell phone (the number is on our office voicemail). You can also send an email to zeis (at) zeisdental.com.
I have a dentist but I’d like a second opinion. Can I see you just for a limited exam?
Absolutely. Some patients will bring their recommended treatment plan in and others will just want a complete exam to compare the results. It's important to understand that all dentists are different in their approach to dental care. With any problem, there is always more than one solution.
Can’t find what you’re looking for? Get in touch with us.
Why do I need x-rays taken?
X-rays are part of a thorough and comprehensive exam. All dentists will look at your mouth with their eyes, feel your teeth with an explorer instrument, and look at the x-rays. Together, these three basic diagnostic methods are the most effective at diagnosing decay, infection, developmental abnormalities, and lesions in the teeth and jaws. Without all three methods, we cannot sign off with confidence any diagnosis or prognosis for you. X-rays are a standard of dental care that all dentists uphold. The Board of Dentistry expects this of us, the insurance companies expect this of us, and our patients expect this of us.
How often do I need x-rays?
X-rays are taken at regular intervals to diagnose problems in your teeth and the bony areas surrounding your teeth. They are also used to record and confirm your periodontal status on that date. Without consistent records, dentists cannot determine a baseline for your mouth or determine when a problem began.
In our office, we follow the standards set by the American Dental Association. Those intervals (from 6 months to 3 years) are determined by a patient's risk for decay. For most of our patients, that means x-rays every 12-18 months. We try to capture as much as we can, with as few films as possible.
What are the benefits of fluoride?
Fluoride strengthens teeth and protects them from the acidic plaque that bacteria produce. For people who want to have strong healthy teeth for the rest of their lives, fluoride is an important partner (along with a healthy diet, brushing, and flossing) in preventive dental care.